Heritage Consultancy

As Heritage Consultant, David Cox assesses the Heritage Significance of heritage items (as identified by local government).

This typically occurs when a proposal exists to alter or add to a heritage item (place) or a proposal exists to carry out development within the vicinity of a heritage item.

A Heritage Assessment aims to establish what it is about a place that causes it to be identified as an item of heritage. This could be historical, cultural, architectural or social.

By identifying the reason for Heritage Significance it is possible to objectively identify the significance of various aspects of the place.

This informs the design of any alteration, additions or deletions of parts of the item or items.

A Heritage Impact Assessment sets out the impact upon a heritage item that alterations, additions, deletions or nearby development may have upon that item.

These reports are generally required by consent authorities.

Detailed Heritage Assessments are required when identified Items of Significance are proposed to be altered. In these instances it is necessary to determine whether preservation , conservation or restoration is appropriate according to the Burra Charter.